LiFE Saint-Nazaire - Exhibition "Des Français"... Identities, intimate territories
LiFE in Saint-Nazaire presents an installation based on the series Des Français... Identités, territoires de l'intime.
As a video screening, the purposedly built installation in the Alvéole 14 will allow the audience to see the faces and hear the words of people questionned about the notion of identity, during a one year trip in France.
"He allowed all these French folk, who are usually never heard, to speak, these anonymous people whose bodies, postures, words, at times offensive, at times hesitant, describe a geography on a human scale, a territory where man stands tall, no matter the boundaries."
From a text by Natacha Wolinski
A conference titled "Le portrait photographique, en image et identité", lead by Sylvain Maresca, sociologist and university lecturer at Nantes University, will give to the public opportunities to hear about practice and issues on portrait.
Base des sous-marins - Alvéole 14
Boulevard de la Légion d'Honneur
44600 Saint-Nazaire - France
Exhibition from 9 January to 15 March 2015
Conference on 4 February 2015 - 19:00

Mostra Givors - Exhibition Kanak
Mostra in Givors presents pictures from the series Kanak. In May 2013, Denis Rouvre was invited in residency by Centre Culturel Tjibaou in Nouméa. He spent three weeks among some of the kanak tribes of New-Caledonia North Province. This series was first presented at Centre Culturel Tjibaou and in Vichy for the first edition of Portrait(s) festival. These portraits brilliantly enlighten these "landscape men and women ".
Mostra de Givors
3, rue du Suel
69700 Givors - France
Opening on 17 January 2015 at 11:00
Exhibition from 17 January to 14 February 2015

Cité des Etoiles, Givors - Screening "Des Français". Identities, intimate territories
Stimultania and the City of Givors share with residents of Cité des étoiles, in a special evening, the screening "Des Français". Identities, intimate territories.
Residents wishing to participate to the happening will be given a copy of the DVD and book and will show on their personal devices at home the movie, in the presence of the photographer. They will then be able to debate and talk about this project and subject with him at the end of the screening.
Mostra de Givors
3, rue du Suel
69700 Givors - France
Screening on 16 January 2015 starting at 19:00 in different homes of Cité des Etoiles, followed by a dinner at Mostra with the participating residents.

Stimultania Strasbourg - Résistants's Exhibition
Stimultania Strasbourg present, grouped under the title RESISTANTS, the two exhibitions LOW TIDE and KANAK.
Through his photography and a practise that remains documentary, Denis Rouvre testifies of life's fragments and of a daily that mixes despair, lonelyness and doubt. He pays tribute to this people which resist for living ang fight for surviving.
Models for a day, hero of the day, this unknown people are sharing an ordinary life and an extraordinary fate. They silently embody under the photographe's look, in courageous figures, heroics, they impulse life and represent a kind of hope. They are right there. Resistant. Survivols. Still standing.
Extract from the presentation's text of the exhibition, by Barbara Hyvert, in charge of the public and the press, Stimultania.
Stimultania Strasbourg
33, rue Kageneck
67000 Strasbourg
Varnishing the Friday 17th at 6AM
Exhibition from the October 18th 2014 to the January 4th 2015.