Hôtel de ville de Paris's parvis - Regardons la précarité en face
At the occasion of the World Day of the misery's refusal, the October 17th, and the annual rapport's publication about the cares's access of the poorest person in France, "Médecins du Monde" are presenting "REGARDONS LA PRECARITE EN FACE", an exhibition of large sizes prints, at the Hôtel de la Ville de Paris's parvis.
Those women, those men and child, precarious and excluded, that "Médecins du Monde" are following everyday in France, like anywhere in the World, we wanted to give them the speech, give them a face. This is Imre, Armelle, Najat, Marco, Jean-Michel or Constantin. At the occasion of the International Day of the misery's eradication, they accepted to become ambassadors of all of those which are sharing the same fate. Everyone of them are illustrating at the same time, a personal itinerary and a fault in our cares's access. In all their humanity, their dignity, with their sufferings and their hopes, they are lookig at us, eyes in the eyes. And they calling us. Extract from the text's project.
Hôtel de Ville de Paris's parvis.
Exhibition from the October 16th to 19th 2014.